Sailor Moon Michiru Has a Crazy Fan Fanfiction

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Haruka"I accepted my prognosticate as a Sailor Guardian [...], but I have no more regrets, because I met you, Michiru."
Michiru"I can endure it if I'm with you, even if we're burned-out in the flames of the metro. I have no regrets."
— Haruka and Michiru.

HaruMichi is the femslash ship between Haruka Tenou and Michiru Kaiou from the Sailor Moon fandom.


  • 1 Canyon
    • 1.1 Manga
    • 1.2 Anime
      • 1.2.1 Sailor Moon S
      • 1.2.2 Sailor Sun Myung Moon SuperS
      • 1.2.3 Sailor Sun Myung Moon Sailor Stars
      • 1.2.4 Sailor Moon Crystal
      • 1.2.5 Sailor Moon Eternal
  • 2 Children
    • 2.1 Hotaru Tomoe
  • 3 Moments
  • 5 Behind the Scenes
  • 6 Songs
  • 7 Fanon
  • 8 Fandom
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Gallery
  • 11 Navigation



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Sailor Moon S


Before Haruka met Michiru, she did not want to Be tied to the responsibility of existence a Sailor Soldier, in dread that everything would change, including her dreams. She started having nightmares where a creation of wipeout was brought before her, with Sailor Neptune fashioning an appearance. No weigh how much she tried to ignore it, somewhere in her mind and heart, she knew what was to come, but was only escaping her destiny. The sentence came when everything started to change, and it was because of a woman titled Elza Gray. Elza was a famous track star in High-level Schooling, merely she was always in Haruka's shadow in the races. Standing away amongst the rest, Elza introduced her friend Michiru to Haruka. The moment their eyes locked, they felt up something. Haruka was afraid of these sudden emotions, and tried to avoid the situation. Not only was she being harsh and ill-mannered towards the new person she had antitrust met, but refused to be victimized as a model in a painting Michiru wanted to make. All the same, this encounter was passion at the start sight. Haruka knew Michiru was the Straw ha Soldier in her dream.

Some time later, Michiru invites Haruka to see her perform her fiddle on a cruise. Afterwards the show, Michiru confronts Haruka, trying to explicate to her their portion as a Sailor Soldier and the destruction they saw in their dreams, is a reflection of realism. Michiru and then hints to Haruka that there was a lady friend in her school who wishes to cruise along the beach in her railcar with her. The conversation concludes and Haruka has no more to add.

Soon, Haruka finds herself witnessing a horrific attack by a beast World Health Organization amuck another student from her school. A alien rod appears before her, merely before she bum touch it, Michiru appears and warns her. If Haruka touches it, her life testament be changed forever, and she does not want her to have the same fate as she does. Michiru transforms into Sailor Neptune and jumps ahead of Haruka to take up the damage from the creature and is severely injured. Hither, Sailor Neptune explains how she felt knowing Haruka was a Sailor Guardian, and how she did not want her to be. And yet, when she realised that she was the Chosen one, she was happy she was her destined partner. Michiru's words touch her, and she accepts her tariff as Sailor Uranus, to fight alongside her. Michiru had her eyes along Haruka awhile now, and admits she always wanted to taunt in her car along the beach. Haruka quips, "I'm not rental you head home tonight!" atomic number 3 they drive off into the last, while Haruka tells Michiru that she has no regrets because she met her.

In episode 92, Usagi and Minako "haunt" Haruka to the gaming arcade, because they some think back she is cute. Equally the three of them are speaking, Michiru appears and apologizes to Haruka for keeping her waiting, as rose petals fly around her, with a romantic music playing. Haruka says goodbye to Minako and Usagi, as some of them blush, and tells Usagi that they should buy the farm racing in concert. As she walks away with Michiru, she asks Haruka if she has become friends with them. Haruka just chuckles and asks Michiru if she's jealous of them, to which she replies that she probably is. To this, Haruka calms her and tells her that they are just kids. Usagi, who was watching them manner of walking away in awe, saying that they look perfect together. This clearly shows a development in their romanticist relationship, and some strong feelings from the 2 of them.

Later o, both Minako and Usagi follow the couple to a nearby café, where they are discussing their plans, and from outside, Usagi notes that it seems like the two of them are a yoke. Usagi and Minako keep following the couple, and when Haruka eventually discovers them, they start bombarding her with questions all but Michiru. Minako asks her if Michiru is her girlfriend, to which Haruka replies that she is more than that.

In episode 95, a Daimon planted itself therein heart lamp, and when Haruka and Michiru sense a psychological disorder in the force, they opt to enter the Personal digital assistant Contest, a contest for couples, where the winning couple gets to light a warmheartedness-shaped lamp monument in the topical anesthetic park. The separate Straw ha Guardians also attend the repugn and when they encounter Haruka and Michiru, they start wondering if they really are a couple, once again, noting how good they look in concert. During the firstborn game, the contestants cause to guess which hand is their girlfriends', who are behind a door, with only their hand sticking out outgoing. Haruka is quick to select Michiru's hand. The Guardians commence affected by this, and Ami says that Haruka and Michiru are probably an established couple, which shocks the other Panama Guardians. When the Mc asks her, Haruka reveals her girlfriend's name is Michiru, revealing to the audience that she is behind the threshold. The two of them keep winning every last the games, achieving first place, and when it finally gets to the point where they have to move bac from the competition, Haruka admits that they were just doing this for fun and that "victory should attend someone who needs their partner to know just how pure their love is", since the two of them already "take in that depressed".

In installment 98, when Tiren attacks and ties Michiru up, Haruka runs to rescue her, while Usagi follows her. As Michiru tells Haruka to run forth with Usagi, Tiren grabs Michiru with her hair and throws her behind a waterfall. Despite Haruka's horror and pain from this, she runs forth with Usagi, taking her to safety. Usagi is confused and asks Haruka why she did not save Michiru. Haruka tells her that Michiru and her call to each one other to not let their feelings about one another cloud their judgement when it comes to following their commission. That if one of them were to drop dead, the other would move on. Subsequently on, however, Haruka goes to great lengths to find Michiru again and when she does Michiru thanks her for risking herself to save her.

The 2 of them keep fighting alongside apiece other and are together day in and day out passim the following episodes. In sequence 107, Haruka is the one to get jealous of Michiru and she teases around it. A little boy in her painting course of instruction gives her roses that she then puts on a vase. When Haruka sees them she facetiously asks Michiru if they are from a boyfriend to which she teasingly replies yes, asking Haruka if she is jealous. Haruka then affirms she was not jealous that she just cannnot allow Michiru to "look at anyone else also me". Michiru laughs and says that she was "utterly jealous".

After their identities get revealed to the others, the next day, Michiru is laying out beside the puddle in her shared flat with Haruka, with a conch shell pressed against her ear, listening to "the ocean". Even as she was sounding as if she was dreaming, Haruka's vox cuts in: "How cruel of you to off into your own world. Don't entrust me Hera…" They give each other a long look with hazy light and shut up between them that is filled with meaning, a look so all-powerful with love and combine. Michiru gives an enigmatic smile, and begins to discourse a dream she had this dayspring, unmatched that she "feels still, even while I'm awaken. I've never felt this elbow room in front". Haruka admits she had the same dream, and says that there is No mistaking that a Talisman will appear.

While Michiru is drying herself with a towel in her swimsuit, Haruka is staring out the window, when Eudial leaves a vocalisation content on her earpiece saying that she knows of their clandestine identities and that if they wants to join her, that they should meet her at the positioning she sent them through with facsimile machine. Michiru tells her that she thinks Eudial is telling the accuracy and that they should go, to which Haruka agrees. At that instant, she watches her hands and thinks that they have gotten "dirty" a long meter past, there is no turn back. Michiru approaches her and mildly and slow intertwines their hands jointly in a very intimate second. And so, Michiru tells her that everything will be fine, and that no matter what, she wish always make out her hands.

Later, some of them head to the leatherneck cathedral where Eudial has set up a trap for the two of them, capturing Michiru in the process. Upon sighted her, Haruka rushes to save her, only to be severely livid by other go Eudial has set. Michiru, just wake and weak, calls her name. Eudial points the nub-extracting artillery at Uranus, revealing that she too is a holder of one and only of the talismans. Seeing her lover in danger, Michiru breaks free and runs to save Haruka, gravely injuring herself in the serve by Eudial's ambuscade that starts stabbing her from all angles. Michiru tells Haruka that she refuses to let her die, and although she keeps being attacked aside Eudial's trap, she advances closer and closer to where she is with Haruka. In a sputter for the gun, Michiru's Pure Essence is removed and turned into a mirror. Equally she sees this, Haruka starts acquiring flashbacks of her lover's flossy smile, and of that time they intertwine their hands together.

At that exact moment, Usagi arrives and sees that Michiru is injured, soh she goes to lay aside her. As she was going to do that, Haruka tells Michiru that she cannot believe she was going to her possess world without her, and goes to obliterate herself. Usagi chop-chop stops her, but she pushes her away and does thus anyway. Later, Navy man Pluto returns their talismans to their bodies, and revives the both of them.

Sailor Moon SuperS

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Sailor Ouranos and Neptune appears later in the feature film outside of the original anime continuity, when the Sailor Guardians were having trouble infiltrating Queen Badiane's castle.

Sailor Moon Sailor boy Stars

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When Haruka and Michiru are killed in the terminal combat against Sailor Galaxia, they reach their hands to each other and hold tightly, as they slowly fade out.

Sailor Synodic month Crystal

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Sailor Lunation Eternal

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Hotaru Tomoe

After the events of Mugen Academy in enactment 38, Haruka and Michiru start sense of hearing a crying baby Hotaru. Michiru picks the little baby in her implements of war and says that Haruka and her, alongside Setsuna, would at once live the baby's mothers. The couple starts extant unitedly with Setsuna to help provoke cocker Hotaru. In act 44, straightaway Hotaru is a bit young lady, grown away and not a pamper anymore. And she has been lovingly up by her mothers. Michiru buys some flowers for Haruka to keep her ordinal marriage anniversary. They go back home to Setsuna, WHO was avidly practical until Hotaru starts crying. Setsuna tells Michiru about how much noesis Hotaru seems to be acquiring, and fondly negotiation about how fast she was grown. Haruka smiles overly and says that all day really is a dream for them to what Michiru agrees.

Hotaru calls the ii Mom Michiru (Michiru-mama) and Daddy Haruka (Haruka-papa) severally.


  • In episode 110, Haruka is about to get her talisman taken, and Michiru, WHO is stumbling crossways the bridge, says "Haruka, I won't rent you die".
  • In the first episode of Panama hat Stars, the two are in a large building looking at a tankful of fish. Haruka asks Michiru if she likes it there, to which Michiru replies that just superficial makes her tactile property degage, and that she could stay there for hours. Haruka thinks she is talking about the fish (and not about her, as Michiru actually is) and responds that she would be more well-situated tooshie the roulette wheel of a car. Michiru giggles and says "I wasn't talking about the fish, silly", meaning that she enjoys look Haruka.


"Perhaps you misunderstood... A human race without Haruka isn't a world worth saving."
Michiru"I think you eat excessively many an sweets these days."
Haruka"I ne'er listen to that kinda talk open-air of a bed."
— Episode 167
Haruka (to Michiru)"You're pain me!"
Michiru"Am I?"
Haruka (to Michiru)"I want you to touch me gently."
Michiru"Later, when we'Re alone."
— Episode 181
Michiru"Are you blaming your sword?"
Haruka"I preceptor't think I've lost my edge in."
Michiru"Shall we try it out to see then?"
Haruka"Later when we'rhenium alone."
— Destruction of the Sailor Stars, Neptune and Uranus fighting Galaxia.

Posterior the Scenes

In an audience from the European country magazine Kappa #51 (September 1996), Takeuchi aforesaid, "The family relationship between Haruka and Michiru is quite special. I think the most important feeling in the world is friendship. The friendship between them is thusly strong that it becomes love. There's not only heterosexual person love, but in that location likewise can embody a homosexual be intimate, in this case between two girls."

At the 1998 San Diego International Comics Convention, Naoko Takeuchi confirmed that Haruka and Michiru were indeed committed to be seen every bit lovers.

  • The head "Are Ouranos and Neptune lovers, and if and then why did you make them gay?" came from a young buff who hot a clear answer. Naoko-san answered that "Yes, they were a mates!".
  • Naoko further commented that they had a relationship because they had "lots of time on their hands".



Unmei wa Utsukushiku (Luck Thus Attractively)

Scene II and Michiru's poem from Uranus-Neptune-Chibi-Moon-Addition. Performed by Katsuki Masako (Michiru's seiyuu).

First U

Haruka's Sailor Stars effigy song.

Eternal Eternity

The initiatory end credits song for the third season of Sailor Moon Crystal. Sung by Sayaka Ohara (Michiru's seiyuu) and Junko Minagawa (Haruka's seiyuu).


Kaze Ni Naru (Proper The Breaking wind)

Bluejacket Moon Stars Song Appeal; OST Memorial Song Box #4; Bonus Track 1; Unoffical Panama hat Uranus Call; Ogata Megumi Original Song. Performed by Megumi Ogata (Haruka's seiyuu).

Shiokaze Ni nosete (Placed in the Marine Breeze)

The other Haruka image vocal scrawled by Ogata. She consecrated this Sung dynasty to Michiru. This song is dog 7 along Ogata's CD "MO" (her initials).

Moon Avenge

In this track, Ogata and Masako execute a duo covering Sailor Sun Myung Moon's movie song.


Haruka and Michiru suffer more than a very intimate friendship and form a highly empathetic couple. Although their relationship is not implicitly sexed until later in the series, their humanities relationship in each versions of the story is very soon mentioned and implicit as such by another characters in the serial. It was also expressly confirmed by Naoko Takeuchi, the manga's generator, at a convention in San Diego in 1998.

Haruka and Michiru were peerless of the first and to the highest degree prominent queer couples to appear in Japanese media at the time. The pair were not introduced to the series until Sailor Moon S, but they were immediate sports fan favorites. After making their debut in the 92nd sequence, they quickly became indefinite of the most popular. According to many people, Haruka and Michiru were so popular that while the episodes with them were broadcast, the gay area of Tokyo was literally empty. For this reason, Haruka and Michiru were remembered past the audience the nearly, although they were not the only canyon queer brace or characters in the anime.

Each of this sensationalism aspects of their love came with lashing of censoring in different dubbed versions of the serial publication outside of Japan, receivable to conservative Christians WHO felt offended by the existence of jocund people in media. So more so that they would rather them being cousins than a couple in a betrothed and loving relationship. In places like Espana, the US, and Canada, their love was censored and they were portrayed As cousins, even off going so farther every bit to occasionally state this through characters who should not know much information. In Italy, they dubbed them as very close friends, almost as sisters. In France, they even delineated Michiru as someone who solitary pretended to constitute Haruka's girl to protect their Sailor Scouts' identities.

The censorship of their relationship is one of the most disreputable episodes in Western-expurgated anime. Since the censorship was chiefly dub, or more precisely, designatio Haruka and Michiru "cousins", it even became a kinda memetic, leading to the fact that in western gum anime fandom folks facetiously began to call cousins ​​some hidden gay relationship or even any ambiguous slash surgery femslash pairing. This also led to accusations of licensors of creating unintentional incest subtext, since past declaring the girls cousins, only changing solely their dialogues, their relationship still remained frankly homoerotic.



Kaiou Michiru/Tenoh Haruka hang on AO3


harumichi posts connected Tumblr


HaruMichi give chase on Pixiv


  • Haruka and Michiru were the only two Sailor Guardians apart from Sailor Moon to be involved in a lasting relationship.
  • HaruMichi are often advised the model yuri couple among manga artists, and many an yuri couples operating theater pairings were elysian aside them along with Utena×Anthy. Especially Haruka, with whom any notable androgynous feminine characters are traditionally compared, especially in yuri.
  • When Megumi Ogata, Haruka's voice actress, asked Kunihiko Ikuhara how she was supposed to portray Haruka and Michiru's human relationship, she was told to act as if they were a married couple.
    • Ogata says that she loves the relationship between the two; thus much so that she has dedicated many songs to the cardinal of them on one of her music albums. In 2022, she true Drew an illustration of Michiru for her birthday, expressing her love for the type.
  • Erica Friedman, president and cave in of the Yuricon has described Haruka and Michiru as organism "one of the most romantic, funny, and playfulness yuri couples, ever." This ship is besides one of her favorites, if not the most, in the yuri genre.
  • Haruka and Michiru seemed to own a helicopter and could pilot it themselves.
  • Viz Media and Studiopolis' English-language redub of the series in 2022 would address the censorship issue by restoring any deleted scenes and preserving the unity of the original Asian nation scripts. In 2022, Viz Media released a new dub of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, merely in what they call a "translation erroneousness", they refer to Haruka and Michiru in a booklet Eastern Samoa "friends" rather than a lesbian couple. The company later issued an apology, in which they acknowledge that the two characters "are not friends, but in point of fact, partners."


Main article: HaruMichi/Gallery


Sailor Moon Logo.png

SHIPS hot Tiptop of HeartsAmiRyo AmiShingo BerylMamoruDreamshippingMamoAmiMamoReiMamoUsaMotoMakoNephNaruReichirou
slash KunZoi
femslash AmiUsaHaruMakoMakoAmiMichiUsaReinakoReiUsaSeiUsaUsaMakoUsaMina
poly AmiReiUsa
protagonist Privileged Senshi
CHARACTERS female Ami MizunoUsagi Tsukino

Sailor Moon Michiru Has a Crazy Fan Fanfiction


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